"Reúne sete ou oito sábios e tornar-se-ão outros tantos tolos, pois incapazes de chegar a acordo entre eles, discutem as coisas em vez de as fazerem" - António da Venafro
Brief encounter
I. Brief Encounter
A spider wanders aimlessly within the warmth of a shadow
Not the regal creature of border caves
But the poor, misguided, directionless familiar
Of some obscure Scottish poet
The mist crawls from the canal
Like some primordial phantom of romance
To curl, under a cascade of neon pollen
While I sit tied to the phone like an expectant father
Your carnation will rot in a vase.
II. Lost Weekend
A train sleeps in a siding
The driver guzzles another can of lager
To wash away the memories of a Friday night down at the club
She was a wallflower at sixteen
She'll be a wallflower at thirty four
Her mother called her beautiful
Her daddy said, "A whore".
III. Blue Angel
The sky was Bible black in Lyon
When I met the Magdalene
She was paralysed in a streetlight
She refused to give her name
And a ring of violet bruises
They were pinned upon her arm.
Two hundred francs for sanctuary and she led me by the hand
To a room of dancing shadows where all the heartache disappears
And from glowing tongues of candles
I heard her whisper in my ear "'J'entend ton coeur"
I can hear your heart
IV. Misplaced Rendezvous
It's getting late, for scribbling and scratching on the paper
Something's gonna give under this pressure
And the cracks are already beginning to show
It's too late The weekend career girl never boarded the plane
They said this could never happen again
So wrong, so wrong
This time it seems to be another misplaced rendezvous
This time, it's looking like another misplaced rendezvous
With you The parallel of you, you
V. Windswept Thumb
On the outskirts of nowhere
On the ring road to somewhere
On the verge of indecision
I'll always take the roundabout way
Waiting on the rain
For I was born with a habit, from a sign
The habit of a windswept thumb
And the sign of the rain It's started raining
Desert Rose
I dream of rain
I dream of gardens in the desert sand
I wake in vain
I dream of love as time runs through my hand
I dream of fire
Those dreams that tie two hearts that will never die
And near the flames
The shadows play in the shape of the mans desire
This desert rose
Whose shadow bears the secret promise
This desert flower
No sweet perfume that would torture you more than this
And now she turns
This way she moves in the logic of all my dreams
This fire burns
I realize that nothings as it seems
I dream of rain
I dream of gardens in the desert sand
I wake in vain
I dream of love as time runs through my hand
I dream of rain
I lift my gaze to empty skies above
I close my eyes
The rare perfume is the sweet intoxication of love
I dream of rain
I dream of gardens in the desert sand
I wake in vain
I dream of love as time runs through my hand
Sweet desert rose
Whose shadow bears the secret promise
This desert flower
No sweet perfume that would torture you more than this
Sweet desert rose
This memory of hidden hearts and souls
This desert flower
This rare perfurme is the sweet intoxication of love
Sting com Cheb Mami
Um pouco mais de sol — eu era brasa,
Um pouco mais de azul — eu era além.
Para atingir, faltou-me um golpe d'asa…
Se ao menos eu permanecesse aquém…
Assombro ou paz? Em vão… Tudo esvaído
Num baixo mar enganador d'espuma;
E o grande sonho despertado em bruma,
O grande sonho — ó dor! — quasi vivido…
Quasi o amor, quasi o triunfo e a chama,
Quasi o princípio e o fim — quasi a expansão…
Mas na minh'alma tudo se derrama…
Entanto nada foi só ilusão!
De tudo houve um começo… e tudo errou…
— Ai a dor de ser-quasi, dor sem fim… —
Eu falhei-me entre os mais, falhei em mim,
Asa que se elançou mas não voou…
Momentos d'alma que desbaratei…
Templos aonde nunca pus um altar…
Rios que perdi sem os levar ao mar…
Ânsias que foram mas que não fixei…
Se me vagueio, encontro só indícios…
Ogivas para o sol — vejo-as cerradas;
E mãos d'herói, sem fé, acobardadas,
Puseram grades sobre os precipícios…
Num ímpeto difuso de quebranto,
Tudo encetei e nada possuí…
Hoje, de mim, só resta o desencanto
Das coisas que beijei mas não vivi…
Mário de Sá Carneiro
PS: Este poderá ser o retrato da minha geração. É um velho retrato, recuperado de uma espécie de báu qualquer, mas curiosamente, as faces que mostram são as nossas. A minha e as de tantos outros que como eu, habitam estes tempos de desencanto. Se calhar falta-nos um golpe d'asa. Sem ele, quasi mudamos, quasi crescemos, quasi os tiramos do caminho.
PS 2: pode ser que no final do próximo ano me apeteça postar outra merda qualquer...
Memórias que não se apagam
Desejo toda a sorte do mundo à equipa e deixo o meu apelo a quem puder ajudá-los a concluir este projecto, que me parece de qualidade.
Hipocrisia vs defesa de princípios absolutos